Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Essay on extinction of animals

Essay on extinction of animals

essay on extinction of animals

Therefore, the following essay on extinction of animals will make an attempt to clarify the question of animal protection. The current extinction of animals essay is aimed at providing well-grounded arguments as for why animals should be saved from dying out. The main question to be answered in the following animal extinction essay is whether there exist any Some have estimated that 20 percent of all species could disappear by , with some estimtes as high as 50, each year. Many biologists expect species extinction rates to remain high for at least the next years. Estimates are that 20 percent of the birds, reptiles, and mammals will disappear by the year Essay On Animal Extinction. Animals are very useful creatures to not only humans but to the world, they can be used for various reasons like food, transportation, material uses and safety and recreation. The rate at which various animals are going extinct in Brazil, USA, and Australia is rather shocking and not much is being done about this problem

Animal Extinction Essay: Why We Should Protect Animals

Deforestation is the main causes that lead animal species loss their habitat and become extinct. If people loss their house, they will not have any shelter and live without protection. This situation also happened to the animal species in this world. There are many functions of animal habitat to the human being as the human population is increasing. These areas which natural habitat to animal growth rapidly used as industrialized, commercialized, essay on extinction of animals and for agriculture. The growth of this area happened with many skyscrapers that had been built and animal cannot adapt in new situation.

As a result, the animal species are lost and extinct from this world. Wildlife trading also the cause that leads to the animal extinction, essay on extinction of animals. Money is the most significant thing for human being and act as necessity of life. Wildlife trade is a big business that run by dangerous international network and estimated can earned into hundreds of millions dollars Illegal Wildlife Trade Thus, from these situation clearly shown that wildlife crime is the largest direct threat to the future of many animal species.

Climate change also leads to animal extinction, essay on extinction of animals. The climate change has increase exponentially and until now there was no solution. The climate changes at the pole also affected polar bears, penguins and sea lions that lived there. This happened when the ice bergs are melting cause the rising of the sea level. Most essay on extinction of animals animals also migrate from one place to another place to find the suitable essay on extinction of animals for them. Many migratory and non-migratory species are expected to become extinct in the near future. The disappearing of the animals from this world also brings in a lot of impacts towards mankind.

These causes that mention before are lead to declining the rate of ecotourism economy, essay on extinction of animals, lost of animal resources and disturbed the biodiversity. Declining the rate of ecotourism economy is one of the impacts from animal extinction. Ecotourism economy is focusing in the place that can be travel as the places are undisturbed and conserved natural beauty. Most of the ecotourism also contributed a lot of money to the world economy. As the animal extinct, it will affect the ecotourism economy because ecotourism has no resources to attract the travellers.

Then, the ecotourism economy will be decline and also affected the world economy. Thus, essay on extinction of animals, animals are very significant in order to contribute a lot to the worldwide economy. Lost of resources is one of the effects that threat to mankind. A lot of thing that mankind are depending on animals to make life complete and flawless. Mostly medicine and vaccines that salient to the mankind are from animals as resources. These are the evidence that show animals are very significant to mankind. Then, when the animal lost, mankind will not have resources to depend.

Mankind for sure cannot live in condition where only meet one species in Homo sapiens kingdom. These animals which are extinct might be brought back by scientist by using cloning method. However, the cloning methods are very dangerous and take long time for production. Animal extinction can also affect the equilibrium of ecosystem. The variety species within a natural community means all the various species are make up the biodiversity of the world and should be valued highly. The equilibrium between mankind, animals and plants are very important in biodiversity. When the animal extinct, the biodiversity will become not stable as the ecosystem lost the population of that animal. The instrumental value of the animal species also should be considered in order to maintain the biodiversity and animal can be conserved.

The animal that extinct is taking a long time to bring it back in this world. As a conclusion, animal extinction is not something new in our society. The animal species needs to obtain legal protection to make sure the rate of animal extinction decelerate. Conservation efforts should be connected to all mankind in order to conserve endangered animals activities. Mankind have to be aware and take care of these problems besides stop doing illegal and irresponsible activities. Thus, as mankind stopped the illegal activity, the animal extinction will decrease and mankind can maintain ecotourism economy, animal as resources and equilibrium of biodiversity. Animal Extinction Causes and Effects.

ACME Articles, essay on extinction of animals. Accessed May 8. Accessed April htm Greenwell,Michael. The Impact of Wildlife Extinction and the Importance of Biodiversity. Exit Stage Right. World Wildlife Fund. Animal Extinction-the greatest threat to mankind. The Independent. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Games Extinction Animal Extinction. Animal Extinction 9 September Hire verified essay on extinction of animals. Animal Extinction Essay Example. Related Essays. A limited time offer! Save Time On Research and Writing. Get My Paper.

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Extinction of Species Essay ⋆ Environment Essay Examples ⋆ EssayEmpire

essay on extinction of animals

Apr 17,  · Endangered Marine Species Essay Example. % of the earth is water. 25% of everything that lives in there is on the verge of extinction, due to the selfishness of humans. I therefore plead with you to join me and protect endangered marine animals. I will be talking about sharks and turtles to base my evidence and speech, though there are many This essay discussed about hunting and deforestation that are the main reason of extinction of so many wild animals. In my opinion, to save such unique species it is essential to established international rules that must apply in every part of the world Some have estimated that 20 percent of all species could disappear by , with some estimtes as high as 50, each year. Many biologists expect species extinction rates to remain high for at least the next years. Estimates are that 20 percent of the birds, reptiles, and mammals will disappear by the year

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