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Comparative analysis essay

Comparative analysis essay

comparative analysis essay

Jul 13,  · Comparative Analysis. As above said Article 1: “Basics about Employee Motivation” introduces the myths to clear up in the employee motivation. Those are as follows: “I can motivate people”- Not really — they have to motivate themselves. “Money is a good motivator” – understand the motivation factor of each of employees Jun 17,  · Comparative Analysis in Art. Remember! This is just a sample. You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. This comparison will look at Henry Moore’s, Woman Seated in the Underground, (Figure 1, ) and Pablo Picasso’s, Bullfight Scene (Figure 2, ). Picasso’s drawing was completed in ink on paper ( by mm in Apr 17,  · Dissertation guide on comparative analysis of anti-money laundering in the UK and Cyprus. The following article represents a dissertation guide that undergraduate and master level law students could use for international law. This guide could assist you in writing a dissertation on a comparative analysis of anti-money laundering laws in the UK

10+ Comparative Analysis Essay Examples [ Contrast, Poetry, Rhetorical ] | Examples

Eileen Joy Fall CRITICAL ESSAY 2 -- Comparative Analysis. Due: Monday, December 11th. Figure 1. Paul Klee, "Embrace", comparative analysis essay. Write a paper of approximately typed comparative analysis essay pages. NO outside sources are to be used for this paper, which should solely represent your own critical and analytical thinking. On the other hand, comparative analysis essay online notes I have provided for you on the syllabus can be consulted in order to help you generate ideas and refine your thinking with respect to these works, and you may incorporate information from these notes in your paper if you feel it is relevant to your argument.

I would really prefer that you develop your own thesis without my assistance, and therefore, for this essay I will not be providing broad questions for you to ruminate as I did with the first critical essay; rather, I would like for you to spend some time contemplating connections between the works we have read in order to develop your own, comparative analysis essay, original thesis you want to argue. Important Note : one of the pitfalls of the comparative analysis is that students will sometimes write a paper in which all they are doing is comparing "similar" and "dissimilar" aspects of a work.

An example of this might be something like comparative analysis essay paper that begins with, "Both Aaron the Moor and Edmund are evil," and is then followed by a list of attributes that the two character share as evil-doers, and also ways in which they differ as evil-doers. But where's the argument? So, if you are interested, let's comparative analysis essay, in some of the parallels, or even differences, between Titus 's Aaron and Lear 's Edmund, an arguable thesis might be, "Both Aaron the Moor and Edmund are agents of evil who are, comparative analysis essay, moreover, seemingly unrepentant about their malevolent actions. However, whereas Edmund expresses regret about the course he took and wants his brother Edgar's forgiveness and even tries to stop the orders to ave Cordelia killed, Aaron never wavers in his intent to be evil.

Therefore, comparative analysis essay, Edmund is a more human character than Aaron. I also append below the same "Guidelines for Writing" I provided on the first essay assignment, and I strongly recommend that you review them before developing a thesis topic and writing the essay. I would like to note here that the following comprises some of my own thinking, tips culled from The Holt Handbook [6th ed. First, Please keep in mind that when I ask you to do a close reading of a literary work in order to make an argument about what you see as one of the comparative analysis essay aspects of that work, that you do not read to magically discover the ONE correct meaning the author has supposedly hidden between the lines.

The "meaning" of a literary work is created by the interaction between a text comparative analysis essay its readers, and therefore, most works of literature can convey many different meanings to different readers. Do not assume, comparative analysis essay, however that a work can mean whatever you want it to mean; ultimately, comparative analysis essay, your interpretation must be consistent with the stylistic signals, thematic suggestions, and patterns of imagery in the text. Here are some TIPS on how to go about doing a close, interpretive reading:.

In order to become a good interpreter of literature, you will have to make the important distinction between summary and translation, on the one hand, and interpretation or analysis, on the other. When you summarize, you repeat what the text actually says; when you translate, you explain to your audience in some detail many of the points an astute reader would reach on his or her own -- think of translating something from French into English for a person who speaks both languages. Neither summary nor translation is really a worthwhile endeavor in that neither tells the reader anything he or she did not already know.

By contrast, when you interpret or analyze literature, you produce your own ideas about how the text creates meaning. In order to produce these ideas, you will need to perform close reading, to look closely at the language of the text in order to demonstrate not just what you think the text means, but more importantly how it means what you think it does. See the difference? It's an important one. How, then, do you go about interpreting and analyzing rather than merely summarizing or translating a text? In carrying out your close readings, then, your goal is always to do two things : to demonstrate to your audience how you read the passage comparative analysis essay you have quoted; in other words, by paying close attention to the language of the textto explain how the passage means what you say it means to show how your reading supports the larger point of the paragraph.

As you reread your paper during revision, when you come to each quotationcomparative analysis essay, ask yourself: "Do I interpret the language of my quotations in detailed and specific terms? Because you are interpreting a given piece of literature in the present rather than summarizing what "happened" in it, you comparative analysis essay always stick to the present tense when interpreting. Literature, indeed, although written in the past, is still happening as you read and discuss it, right?

Historical background and biographical information should be discussed in the past tense, but when writing about the literary text comparative analysis essay, stick to the present, which will almost force you to interpret rather than summarize. Summary and translation reproduce what the text says. Persuasive interpretation says what the text means by showing, through close reading, comparative analysis essay the text means what you say it means. Second, I expect to see a thesis near the beginning of your paper. A thesis is NOT a statement in which you simply point out the obvious; for example, "Antigone is a strong woman who stands by her convictions and won't give in to authority. A better thesis statement about Antigone as a character might be, "Antigone is a strong woman who stands by her convictions to the death, and while this can be viewed as admirable, in this case, what Antigone is willing to die for isn't worth the sacrifice.

Here are some TIPS on how to develop a good thesis:. Your introductory paragraph should do two things: introduce your reader to your topic and present your thesis. It is important to distinguish in your mind comparative analysis essay your topic -- what you will write about say, comparative analysis essay, the issue of arete in the Iliador male-female relationships in Medea -- and your thesis -- what you will argue or attempt to prove in relation to your topic. A thesis may be defined as an interpretation that you set forth in specific terms and propose to defend or demonstrate by reasoned argumentation and literary analysis.

Your thesis, then, is the position that you are attempting to persuade your reader to accept. Your thesis may be more than one sentence long. If you have a good thesis, however, in most cases you will be able to articulate it in one sentence. If you require two, that's fine, so long as you make sure that the argument is coherent and that comparative analysis essay transition from the first to the second sentence is clear and effective. Please carefully consider this important hint : You do not need a refined thesis in order to start writing, comparative analysis essay.

If you begin with a provisional thesis and then do good and careful close readings, you will often find a version of your final thesis in the last paragraph of a first draft. Integrate that version into your first paragraph and revise from there. Do not worry too much about your thesis, therefore, until after you've written out your close readings! A comparative analysis essay final thesis should emerge fromnot precede, your analyses. Below are five steps that will help you work through the process of developing a strong thesis. Firstthough, please think about these three guidelines:. Now that you've attentively read and considered these guidelines, here are five concrete steps that you can take to develop a thesis and start writing the paper. Note that we do not say "five easy steps.

Other Considerations:.

How to Write a Comparative Essay - 3 Easy Steps

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Free Essays About Poetry Paper: Comparative Analysis | WOW Essays

comparative analysis essay

Aug 19,  · As the assignment is to do a comparative analysis between two articles on a related topic, the selection was done on topic of employee motivation which is an essential topic in effective business administration. In the first article it is basically focuses on the new managers and supervisors A comparative analysis essay concentrates on similarities and dissimilarities between the items compared. However, you can perform the comparison can in a classical way in which both items get equal attention, their characteristics get analyzed in terms of what they have in common and on what points they critically differ Comparative analysis is different than a traditional compare/contrast essay in the following way: _____ The goal of comparative analysis is to: _____ When you put two articles in conversation with one another in order to shed light on a topic, continue a discussion, or potentially resolve a problem, you are

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