A wallpapers design plays a key role in the effect is has on a persons’ psyche. The woman in “The Yellow Wallpaper” is greatly affected by the horrendous, rambling design. Gilman also wrote a story called “Herland” which connects to “The Yellow Wallpaper” in such a way that I feel the two stories should be sequels of one blogger.com Size: 88KB The Yellow Wallpaper, an short story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, is a short story about a young woman suffering from what seems like post-partum depression. The narrator, the young woman, tells through her diary about her three-month-long stay at an estate, in which 2 Pages Words Symbolism The Yellow Wallpaper “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman and “A Jury of Her Peers” by Susan Glaspell have plots of very different naturesin one, a mentally disturbed woman is taken to a reclusive house to recuperate while in the other, a woman is accused of killing her A Jury of Her Peers The Yellow Wallpaper Topics
"The Yellow Wallpaper" Essay - Free Paper Sample
The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman that explains the sad story of a woman suffering from acute postpartum depression. Written during the dying years of the 19th century, The Yellow Wallpaper is characteristic of the mental and emotional treatment that women were subjected to during this period. Given the weight that Gilman gives The Yellow Wallpaper and considering her own life, one would conclude that she was indeed using the story as a reference to her life. Through reading the story, one can see a clear desire for the women in this period to entangle themselves from domination, the yellow wallpaper essay.
The society seems to have assigned roles for women, the yellow wallpaper essay, which they are supposed to adhere to. In the story, John symbolically represents the male folk while the narrator represents the women, the yellow wallpaper essay. Throughout the story, the narrator, together with the rest of the women trapped in the wallpaper, is desperately trying to break loose from the function that the society has assigned for them. Although these women are trying as hard as they can, their courage always seems to fail them, especially at night when their husbands and the rest of the family are at home. However, their courage finally gives way, and this is why John, who represents men, faints upon realizing that his wife has finally broken free from his control.
Although this observation is debatable, there is clear evidence from the story to prove this point. Right from the start, there seem to be specific duties that wives and mothers have to fulfill. These duties seem to have been so oppressive that women tend to get depressed after giving birth to their first child. This depression leads them to take the rest cure during which time they are supposed to do nothing but to eat and remain in seclusion. The rest is so extreme such that the yellow wallpaper essay is even forbidden from writing anything since this would be tantamount to overworking their brains, something that would hinder their recovery.
This happens despite the fact that they both love the narrator dearly. What is surprising is that despite this form of medication, the yellow wallpaper essay, the narrator does not seem to get any better. She wishes that she could get well faster just to escape this form of the regimen. It is obvious that the narrator views the treatment as an unnecessary interruption the yellow wallpaper essay her life that should not have occurred in the first place. Despite this, she is aware of the repercussions that could possibly follow her refusal to adhere to the terms of the medication.
Instead of looking into the reasons why her recovery is slow, John believes that her wife is to blame something that seems to scare the narrator the yellow wallpaper essay great deal. In fact, Gilman seems to have put this statement for effect just to show us the extreme end that these men were willing to go to keep their women under control. Although the couple rents a colonial mansion for the wife to recuperate, it is ironic how she is not allowed any say in the matter. Throughout the story, John seems to know what is best for his wife, and he does not accept her output in the matter. The husband does not even allow her to choose her bedroom from the many rooms.
Instead, he forces her to occupy the room with the ugly wallpaper. The narrator wants to do so many things but as it was characteristic in that period, the marriage institution that she the yellow wallpaper essay committed to compromises her freedom and happiness. In addition to the bedroom containing the ugly wallpaper, the room has no windows, and even the bed is bolted to prevent her from moving it to any other position. This is a clear sign of control and domination by the husband. By analyzing the lives of the women behind the wallpaper, it is obvious that they are trying to look for their freedom.
On her part, the narrator is looking for freedom from her husband and the rest cure that she has been subjected to. Throughout the story, the narrator tries hard to free women from the the yellow wallpaper essay bias that had seeped in society. Although she had loathed the yellow wallpaper at first, she begins gaining some mental strength just by watching it. As her mind begins to churn, she forces herself to think, and this is something that her husband does not like. Deep down her heart, she knows that her husband does not necessarily know everything, but she does not say anything for fear of reprisals. Although John has told her not to bother herself with anything, she begins analyzing the wallpaper, and that is when she notices the figure of women trying to free themselves, the yellow wallpaper essay.
For once, the narrator feels that she knows something that her husband or any other person, for that matter, does not have an idea about. For once in her life, the yellow wallpaper essay, she seems to have concluded that she has a functional mind that is entirely hers and one that she can use as she wills. Even to John, his wife is like a mystery that he is unable the yellow wallpaper essay solve. That is why he keeps her locked in the bedroom just to keep her under control. However, what he fails to realize is that by doing so, he is actually helping her to solve her own mystery.
As the story nears climax, John seems bewildered, and he even seems to be noticing a change of attitude on the narrator. In fact, he commends her for putting an effort to get better, but she knows that she is getting well for other the yellow wallpaper essay. Although he does not admit it, John has realized that the wallpaper is a representation of his wife, and that is why he reprimands her wherever he catches her staring at it. Just with a day to go before they leave the house, the narrator masters her courage and tears down the wallpaper.
To accomplish this, she uses much will power and patience, but she finally manages to get the work done. She is convinced that John would reprimand her for tearing down the wallpaper, but for once, she is not bothered. Indeed, tearing down the wallpaper seems only to be the first step toward her freedom. To her, she seems to have concluded that her life was in her own hands and not on Johns or any other male for that matter. Within a short time, she seems to have developed mentally as a woman. To begin with, he is shocked when he realizes that she the yellow wallpaper essay locked the door, something that she had never done before.
However, the climax arrives when he enters the room and realizes that she has torn down the wallpaper, the yellow wallpaper essay. In fact, the shock is so much for John such that he faints. But he did, and the yellow wallpaper essay across my path by the wall so that I had to creep over him every time. To her, tearing the wallpaper out of the walls is a sign of showing that she is willing to take matters into her own hands, the yellow wallpaper essay, and this is what scares the husband and makes him faint. The Yellow Wallpaper is a clear representation of life in the 19thcentury. During this period, women seem to have been under male domination, and society seems to have accepted this fact. Throughout the story, the narrator seems to be fighting to get a voice of her own.
However, the yellow wallpaper essay, her husband decides that he knows what is best for her, and he does not even give her the freedom to the yellow wallpaper essay what she wants. Instead, he embarks on making all the decisions for her even on matters that directly affect her well-being. At the end of the story, the narrator regains control of her life, and this scares her husband to a point where he even faints. Gilman Charlotte. The Yellow Wallpaper, The Yellow Wallpaper. Introduction The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman that explains the sad story of a woman suffering from acute postpartum depression. Learn More. In The Yellow Wallpaper, Why Is the Main Character Spending Time at the Colonial Mansion? In the Yellow Wallpaper, What Was the Relationship between the Narrator and Her Husband?
What Is the Importance of the Nurse in The Yellow Wallpaper? The Yellow Wallpaper: at What Point Does the Narrator Go Insane? The Yellow Wallpaper: By the Fourth of July, What Does the Narrator Admit about the Wallpaper? Is It Possible to Sympathize the Main Character of The Yellow Wallpaper? Who Is the Woman in The Yellow Wallpaper? We will write a custom Essay on The Yellow Wallpaper specifically for you! What Does Creeping Mean in The Yellow Wallpaper? How Does the Narrator Feel about Jennie in the Yellow Wallpaper? Why Did John Faint in The Yellow Wallpaper?
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The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Short Story Summary, Analysis, Review
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21/07/ · Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" was a first hand account of the oppression faced toward females and the mentally ill,whom were both shunned in society in the late 's. It is the story of an unnamed woman confined by her doctor-husband to an attic nursery with barred windows and a bolted down bed. Forbidden to write Continue Reading “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman and “A Jury of Her Peers” by Susan Glaspell have plots of very different naturesin one, a mentally disturbed woman is taken to a reclusive house to recuperate while in the other, a woman is accused of killing her A Jury of Her Peers The Yellow Wallpaper Topics "“The Yellow Wallpaper” Essay" with 20% discount! Order Now. A mother’s responsibility to her child is something that motivates a woman each day to fight negative thoughts, so it is understandable that a lack of this responsibility only added to the narrator’s obsessiveness and depression. Caring for one’s child also gives a mother /10()
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