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Obesity in children essay

Obesity in children essay

obesity in children essay

Dec 12,  · ESSAY: Child Obesity (Causes, effects and solutions) The increasing percentage of youth that have been experiencing nutritional issues particularly obesity is being discussed by many. Hence, the Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Apr 19,  · Essay on Childhood Obesity. Over the previous decades, youth fatness has been at a constant increase. Youth chubbiness is an emerging issue in the United States. Everywhere you look, there are millions of advertisements for fast, and deep fried foods. This appeals to young minds because it tastes scrumptious/5(37) Nov 17,  · Essay on Obesity in Children. Published: /11/ Number of words: Children are at a higher risk of suffering from obese conditions compared to the general population. This paper analyses the different causes of overweight conditions put suggested by researchers from their findings on the issue

Essay on childhood obesity - Free Essay Example - Words |

Childhood obesity refers to a condition whereby the health of a child is affected by excess body fat. The intervention wheel is a practice model that is population-based which involves three main levels of practice which are individual, systems and community as well as 17 public health interventions. The aim of each practice level and intervention is to improve the health of the population. The upstream health determinants are usually those factors which are usually outside the individual's control. The downstream determinants of health are considered to be the outcomes of midstream and upstream variables and factors. An individual is in a position of controlling the downstream determinants of a problem, obesity in children essay. Child obesity can be prevented using the upstream, midstream and downstream approaches Bleich et al.

The Upstream approaches that can help prevent childhood obesity include government agencies, schools, corporations and other businesses. The government should set up structures that are within the government to help in supporting policies that have been obesity in children essay to deal with child obesity as well as interventions. The government should provide funds to such programs for promoting health. The government can also help to prevent child obesity by putting in place policies that are supposed to regulate the sale of foods which contribute towards childhood obesity. The mid-stream approaches can also be implemented to help in preventing a situation whereby children become obese.

These include approaches which involve the creation of environments that ensure children are subjected to eat diets that are healthy as well as involve them in physical activity, obesity in children essay. Some of the policy instruments that can be enforced to help prevent childhood obesity include taxes and subsidies, regulations and laws and also creating social awareness through campaigns that have an impact on the entire population, obesity in children essay. Policies that will help in the prevention of child obesity as they influenced food environments include giving children drinks and beverages which are non-alcoholic, restricting the marketing of foods which are unhealthy ,imposing taxes and subsidies on foods which can cause obesity to a child and ensuring that foods are properly labelled regarding the level of nutrients they contain.

Imposing of taxes on food which are not healthy will make it hard for people to afford and therefore in turn it helps prevent a situation that the child eats such food. Children should be subjected to physical activities to help them exercise which in turn helps them to lose the excess fats in their bodies. There should be enough space set aside for recreational activities. The schools should also ensure that there is time for obesity in children essay to get involved in physical activities. Through these policies, child obesity can be prevented Wang et al. The other way of preventing childhood obesity is obesity in children essay the use of downstream approaches, obesity in children essay.

These are usually programs and interventions which tend to be multi-component. They are interventions that are community-based. People can help in preventing childhood obesity by ensuring that they have community engagement which is strong, planning the interventions carefully so as it includes local information as obesity in children essay as the integration of the program into other initiatives within the community. A parent should take up the initiative of taking the child to a hospital for a medical checkup in case the child is obese to seek medical attention since the problem could be generic and inborn.

In conclusion, various ways can be used to help in the prevention of childhood obesity which includes population-level actions, obesity in children essay. The government can help reduce child obesity by setting up various laws. Child obesity can also be prevented by ensuring that children have a healthy eating habit and also through physical activities. Bleich, S. Systematic review of Community-based childhood obesity prevention studies. Pediatrics, 1ee Wang, Y. Childhood obesity prevention programs: comparative effectiveness review and meta- analysis. If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the ProEssays website, please click below to request its removal:. Sorry, but it's not possible to copy the text due to security reasons.

Enter your email to get this essay sample. Enter your email and we'll send you a properly formatted printable version of this essay right away. Childhood Obesity Prevention Essay Date: Childhood Obesity. Obesity in children essay essay has been submitted by a student. Trust an expert. If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the ProEssays website, please click below to request its removal: Request. Similar essays:. Submit your request. First Name First name should have at least 2 letters.

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Childhood Obesity Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on

obesity in children essay

Apr 19,  · Essay on Childhood Obesity. Over the previous decades, youth fatness has been at a constant increase. Youth chubbiness is an emerging issue in the United States. Everywhere you look, there are millions of advertisements for fast, and deep fried foods. This appeals to young minds because it tastes scrumptious/5(37) Childhood Obesity has become an ongoing problem across the United States. Obesity kills about 34 children every hour in the world, making it a serious issue. Many leaders and people have come together to attempt to prevent the issue, but some strategies have failed. Most people disregard the fact that what they feed their children [ ] “The obesity rate in children has nearly tripled since This scary statistic is a major problem for the American population. Not only are the kids becoming unhealthier, they’re growing up to become unhealthy adults” (Blank 3). In this quote, it talks about child obesity

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