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Legalize gay marriage essay

Legalize gay marriage essay

legalize gay marriage essay

Argumentative Essay On Same Sex Marriage On June 26, , the Supreme Court of the United States declared that same-sex marriage is a protected right of the United States Constitution in all 50 states Same-sex marriage is also known as gay marriage. Same-sex marriage is between two people of the same gender. The Netherlands became the first country to legalize same-sex marriage in ; in the United States of America, the first state to legalize same-sex marriage was Massachusetts, on May 17, Jan 04,  · Gay Marriages Argumentative Essay Outline Introduction Thesis: Same-sex marriage should be legal because it is a fundamental human right. Body Paragraph 1: Same-sex marriage provides legal rights protection to same sex couples on such matters as taxes, finances, and health care

Same Sex Marriage Argumentative Essay - With Outline

In the United States, married couples receive many legal benefits that couples who live together but are unmarried do not. More and more, gay couples are insisting that they receive the same legal rights that the traditional, heterosexual married couples receive. Gay rights advocates believe that it is inequitable and biased legalize gay marriage essay refuse to give certain privileges to any couple, gay or not. Married couples also pay less in taxes and receive many other social and financial benefits. But because gay couples are legally prevented from marrying, they are excluded from receiving the same considerations that married heterosexual couples enjoy.

Advocates of non-traditional marriage counter this argument by saying that there is no constitutional basis for denying legal matrimony to gay couples. Legalize gay marriage essay Constitution not legalize gay marriage essay legitimizes gay marriage but implies that the government should never have considered a ban and should instead actively pursue legalizing gay marriage. As citizens of the United States, all people are guaranteed the inalienable right to pursue happiness. It does not exclude based on sexual preference. The opposition to gay marriage is based on prejudice and, legalize gay marriage essay, as time passes, the concept will become more and more accepted, legalize gay marriage essay. It, like racial prejudice, will become socially abhorrent Sullivan, In addition, the disallowing of gay marriage by legislation violates the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.

This sentiment has been reflected by some legislators such as those in the State of Connecticut who oppose same-sex marriage but support civil unions. Gay rights activists legalize gay marriage essay heavily lobbied lawmakers to legalize gay marriage, but they compromised on a civil union bill when support for marriage was rejected by most. A Republican governor, M. Jodi Rell, signed the bill last year making Connecticut the second state to offer gays and lesbians civil unions after Vermont. In Oregon, voters passed a constitutional amendment that banned gay marriage which reversed more than 3, marriage licenses issued to gay and lesbian couples. However, an Oregon Supreme Court ruling which upheld the amendment also left open the option of civil unions. The day before the ruling, a bipartisan group of state legislators drafted a bill that would allow civil unions, a measure that was backed by Governor Ted Kulongoski.

Inthe General Accounting Office reported that heterosexual married couples enjoyed more than benefits and protections. These marriage incentives range from survivor benefits through Social Security, the ability to take sick leave from work to care for a sick partner, federal and state tax breaks, legalize gay marriage essay, and veteran and insurance benefits, legalize gay marriage essay. Shortly after Alaska adopted a similar marriage amendment inthe Alaska ACLU took the State to court on behalf of several gay couples who had a partner employed by the state. Those opposed to gay marriage believe that these relationships do not serve the best interest of the state. Since they cannot bear children that would ultimately add to the tax base of a community, there is no incentive for the state to recognize their union and provide them the benefits of marriage, an expensive burden to the state.

Advocates of gay marriage have not been able to show what financial benefit their marriage would be to the state. The marriage laws, established by the state, ensure that the couples who do get the benefits of marriage are those who benefit the state by having children. Those that oppose gay marriage have yet to provide evidence those children of gay couples whether biological or adopted are harmed by this living arrangement. Gay couples exhibit similar family and societal values as those the traditional couple does while engaged in the activities of their daily lives. Other than the fact that one couple is of the same sex and the other is not, the neighbors would notice no difference. They cherish and are involved in family life, abide by the law, and are committed to making their communities a better place for all to live.

The legalization of gay marriage benefits society because the very obligations of marriage itself discourage promiscuous sex which carries the advantage of decelerating the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Marriage also encourages a family-type atmosphere in the house, neighborhood, and community. Homosexuality is multi-faceted involving true love and affection more than it is about sex, much the same as the traditional legalize gay marriage essay. American Civil Liberties Union. Belge, Kathy. About Lesbian Life. Kolasinski, Adam. Sullivan, T.

New York: Haworth Press. Gay Marriage in the US: Legalize It! Table of Contents. Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited. Cite this paper APA-6 MLA-8 Chicago N-B Chicago A-D APA-7 Harvard. Reference UniPapers. Work Cited "Gay Marriage in the US: Legalize It! Bibliography UniPapers. References UniPapers. Copy to clipboard. Check the price of your paper. Divorce: Its Causes and Effects, legalize gay marriage essay. Gay Men And Lesbian Women….

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How New York Legalized Gay Marriage | HuffPost New York

legalize gay marriage essay

Jan 04,  · Gay Marriages Argumentative Essay Outline Introduction Thesis: Same-sex marriage should be legal because it is a fundamental human right. Body Paragraph 1: Same-sex marriage provides legal rights protection to same sex couples on such matters as taxes, finances, and health care Argumentative Essay On Same Sex Marriage On June 26, , the Supreme Court of the United States declared that same-sex marriage is a protected right of the United States Constitution in all 50 states Legalizing Gay Marriage Argumentative Analysis. Words | 6 Pages. Although many conservatives were and are still opposed to same-sex marriages, the struggle for marriage equality in America focuses on the right to marry. The

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