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Essay industrial revolution

Essay industrial revolution

essay industrial revolution

The Industrial Revolution was a worldwide, loosely defined event that took place during the 18th and 19th centuries. During this time technology advanced rapidly and the world transitioned from a dependence on manual work to machine operation to manufacture goods. Arguably, standard of living increased Industrial revolution was a period between the year and The period showed changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology. This transformation and changes influenced the society’s social, economic, and cultural conditions. The revolution started in the United Kingdom, and it spread throughout Western blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Jun 04,  · The industrial revolution was a period of transformation from reliance on human beings in production processes to great dependence on machines to produce commodities. The revolution is believed to have originated from Great Britain before spreading through Europe and then to other parts of the world

Essay about Industrial Revolution - Free Essay Example |

The Industrial Revolution began over years ago. It changed the way in which many products, including essay industrial revolution and textiles, were manufactured. It is called a "revolution" beacuse the changes it caused were great and sudden. It greatly affected the way people lived and worked. This revolution helped to bring about the modern world we know today in many ways. The Industrial Essay industrial revolution was a major change in the essay industrial revolution of production in which machines replaced tools and steam and other energy sources replaced human or animal power.

The Industrial Revolution began in England in the middle s. During the Industrial Revoltuion, workers became more productive, items were manufactured, prices dropped, making hard to make items available to the working and middle class and not only the wealthy. Life generally improved, but the Industrial Revolution was also harmful. Pollution increased, working conditions were harmful, and capitalists employed women and young children, making them work long hours for low wages. The Industrial Revolution began in England for many reasons. In s, Britain's economy was mainly an agricultural economy. Wealthy landowners bought up all the land and enclosed their land with fences allowing them to cultivate larger fields called enclosures.

This caused the essay industrial revolution movement, which put most small farmers out of work causing them to move to cities. This movement to cities is known as urbanization, which gave Britain a large population of workers. Britain also had many natural resources and an expanding essay industrial revolution to support industrialzation, essay industrial revolution, or the process of developing machine production of goods. The resources needed to provide these goods and services were called factors of production, which included land, labor, and capital wealth.

New inventions and technology helped to spark the Industrial Revolution by advancing different industries. The textile industry was the first industry to be reformed. Before, cloth was woven at home taking long hours a day. But with these new inventions, cloth was made faster which boosted merchants' profits. Inessay industrial revolution machinst named John Kay invented the flying shuttle which was a boat-shaped piece of wood that was attached to yarn and sped back and forth on wheels, essay industrial revolution. InJames Hargreaves invented a spinning wheel that allowed eight spindles to be spun at once. InRichard Arkwright invented the water frame which used waterpower to spin wheels.

Samuel Crompton's spinning mule made thread stronger and finer, and Edmund Cartwright's power loom sped up weaving. Transportation was also reformed with inventions of the steam engine by James Watt ,the building of the 1st railroad trackand a locomotive called the Rocket built by George Stephenson and his son Besides the postive effects, the Industrial Revolution also had negative effects. Because of urbanization, essay industrial revolution cities, whose infrastructure system could not keep up with the rapid population growth, were overcrowded with people looking for jobs, essay industrial revolution.

England's cities lacked decent housing, essay industrial revolution, sanitary codes, education, and police protection. Many workers of the working class lived in small, dirty shelters where sickness was widespread. With the introduction of steam, factory conditons became worse. Machines injured workers. Essay industrial revolution factory owners wanted to get the cheapest labor possible. To do this, factory owners hired workers, mostly women and children because the were the cheapest labor, so they could work long hours for low wages, essay industrial revolution. As the working class saw little improvements in living and working conditions, the middle class, made up of skilled workers, professionals, factory owners, and other well do to people, saw improvements in their lives.

The middle class was now able to afford things that the wealthy only had acess to, such as servants. In the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution created a major gap between the rich and the poor. Many reformers felt that the government needed to play an active role to improve the standard of living for the poor, essay industrial revolution. Many ideas and philosophies were created as a reaction to the Industrial Revolution, essay industrial revolution. An economic system, called socialism, grew during the s as a reaction to the Industrial Revolution. It called for more state influence, equal rights, and an end to inhumanity, which stood strongly opposite to individualism and laissez-faire politics. Laissez-faire philosophy capitalismwhich was first started by Adam Smith, suggested that owners of industry and business set working conditons without the government intervening.

Other social movements, including communism, a form of complete socialism where all means of production would be owned by the people leaving a small number of manufacturers to control wealth, which was proposed by Karl Marx, and utilitarianism, which judged ideas, institutions, and actions based on their utility and beleived government actions should promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people, was introduced by Jeremy Bentham but led by John Stuart Mill. The Industrial Revolution, like the French Revolution, left a permanent mark on society.

The Industrial Revolution caused the world to face many social consequences and economic changes that still effect us today. The Industrial Revolution is known as one of the important events in history today. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. en Change Language close menu Language English selected español português Deutsch français Русский italiano Română Bahasa Indonesia Learn more. User Settings. close menu Welcome to Scribd! Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Ebooks Audiobooks Magazines Podcasts Sheet Music Documents selected Snapshots.

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Jump to Page. Search inside document. Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution began over years ago. Related Interests Industrial Revolution Spinning Textiles Wealth Industries Economies. The Industrial Revolution. The Yellow House: A Memoir National Book Award Winner. Industrial Revolution. Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike. Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race. Industrialism Placards. The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living, essay industrial revolution.

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The Industrial Revolution (18-19th Century)

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Industrial Revolution Essay

essay industrial revolution

Industrial revolution was a period between the year and The period showed changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology. This transformation and changes influenced the society’s social, economic, and cultural conditions. The revolution started in the United Kingdom, and it spread throughout Western blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins The Industrial Revolution is a term usually applied to the social and economic changes that mark the transition from a stable agricultural and commercial society, to a modern industrial society relying on complex machinery rather than tools. There have been numerous debates to the use of this term because the word "revolution" suggests sudden, violent, unparalleled The Industrial Revolution was a major change in the nature of production in which machines replaced tools and steam and other energy sources replaced human or animal power. The Industrial Revolution began in England in the middle s/5(30)

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