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Education system essay

Education system essay

education system essay

28/01/ · Our K Education SystemSocial justice is a form of commitment that helps achieve equality. In education, social justice helps in reducing inequality among students and their families who happen to be at diverse socioeconomic levels. Thus, social justice helps eliminate cases arising from inequalities in economic, cultural and social practices 26/10/ · Education Systems Around the World Categories: Education Education System Today Science World Download Essay, Pages 9 ( words) Views Save to my list Remove from my list The United States excels in the creative aspect of schooling whereas Chinese students are much better at receiving direct instruction 14/09/ · How to Write an Essay on Education System? Format – Before drafting an essay on education system, you must know about the format of essay writing. Take a look at Introduction -Education systemessay introduction should provide an overview of the given topic in the introduction, i.e. Body of

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Some would argue that the education system mainly exists to select and prepare students for their future work roles and careers. This is further highlighted by Althusser who believed that educations main function is to reproduce an efficient and obedient workforce, Althusser believes that the education system has taken over from the Church as the main agent of ideological transition. For example, in the past most people accepted their positions in life, no matter how unbearable, because they believed it was Gods will. They were poor because God wished it so, they were hungry because God wished it so, and they were powerless because God wished it so. Such beliefs are now in decline, education system essay, although many still hold them, much more common is the belief that everything boils down to the God of education.

Those who are smart and hardworking do well in education and gain educational qualifications and in turn do well in the world of work. Those who are unemployed and working in low paid education system essay did not gain educational qualifications and were probably not academically gifted. This is, however, education system essay, an ideological belief as it has been shown that the education system essay your parents social class so the higher your educational qualifications education system essay duration spent in education. Class still determines where you end up in the majority of cases. The education system propagates the view, however, that success is all down to intelligence and hard work. This evidence suggests that the education system selects people for the different social classes; this then depends on what your future job will be despite how academic you are your social class will be the main influence.

This then could be considered to be planning students for future roles and society but it gives a false expectation of society. In contrast Parsons said that schools are important units of secondary socialisation and oversees the change in values. The education system also teaches people how to behave in a working environment; some people could say that school is a smaller version of the work place so having compulsory lessons and rules within the education system prepares you for the strict environment. Functionalists think the education system prepares young people for work because of the expansion of school and higher education as it is necessary to provide a properly trained, qualified work force that are needed to fulfil the current job availabilities given.

The education system glues people together through shared values by building social solidarity, education system essay. Functionalists Bowels and Gintus schooling in capitalist America say that through hidden curriculums there is a very close relationship between relationships at work and at school, the relationships between students and teachers represent the authority between work colleagues and administrators and managers, the Hierarchical relations are reflected in the vertical authority lines between students and teachers are reflected in the work place. Bowels and Gintus believe that the education system helps to maintain, justify and explain the system of social inequality of capitalist society.

This then helps young people to come to terms with their own position in society, the problem with this is that education system essay common misconception about schools is that they are education system essay to be an artificial environment in which students lack true exposure to the real world. So this could be considered to prepare young people for future jobs but the false environment given could give the people an unrealistic idea of society. In conclusion I think the education system does prepare young people for future job opportunities, education system essay, as it provides a common situation which prepare students for the working environment through the use of schooling, it provides a hierarchy throughout their lives which enable them to excel throughout work, however I think the use of hidden curriculum could be used better as it should be used for more life skills instead of compulsory lessons.

So learning how to manage bills, money and housing as you grow up would provide a better view upon society. Also I think that schools create a false environment for students as it is nothing like the working world, education system essay. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Education Education System. Education System education system essay August Hire verified writer. Education System Essay Example, education system essay. Related Essays. The comparison between education system in Malaysia… The education system The Education System System of education in kz Cce education system Education system The UK education system Education system in india Philippines education system Education System in England Chinese Education System.

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education system essay

28/01/ · Our K Education SystemSocial justice is a form of commitment that helps achieve equality. In education, social justice helps in reducing inequality among students and their families who happen to be at diverse socioeconomic levels. Thus, social justice helps eliminate cases arising from inequalities in economic, cultural and social practices The average student in the American education system goes through thirteen years of education. Four of the thirteen years are spent in high school where the student ought to learn essential skills to apply thereafter. When a student joins high school, they are expected to know basic reading skills and writing skills Education System Essays Choosing a Field of Study. Education Institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of Rewarding Students. Some people think only students who get the best academic results should be rewarded. Other say that Selection of Students. Some

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